Thursday, July 5, 2012

Random card #2: Squadron Hawk

Squadron Hawk

FNM card of Squadron Hawk

This card appears in Magic 2011. In the past, we had many creatures with the same come into play ability in Mercadia Masques and Nemesis (Creature that allow you to search for card with the same name): Skyshroud Sentinel, Howling Wolf and Nesting Wurm. None was successful since they were overcosted and without evasion.

But on the contrary, this one was a success. This cousin of Welkin Hawk has many qualities.

First, it's really cheap, it just cost 2. Compare him to Skyshroud Sentinel or Howling Wolf.
Second he has flying. So he can be equipped with a sword and attack without being block.

It gives you card avantage and help you build time if you chumpblock with all your fliers.

It was edited as a FNM card but I doubt it will be reprinted. Card like this will be reevaluated in the future. We can't expect seeing card with the same stat and cost again.



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