Sunday, July 1, 2012

A blink to the past: Time spiral Red cards

Red cards in Time Spiral features storm cards, a mechanic that proved to be degenerate with card like Empty the Warrens and Grapeshot.

Ancient Grudge
A card that mimics Ray of Revelation from Judgment, but for artifact. A really good card if you're playing red/green.

ShockerBarbed Shocker

Barbed Shocker
This is a new Shocker. This time with haste and trample to surprise opponents. But at a converted manacost of 4 instead of 2, it's quite expensive.

Basalt Gargoyle
A reference to Granite Gargoyle from Alpha. Same cost and same defense boost ability.

Blazing Blade Askari
This knight with flanking is a mix between an Askari (flanking) and the ability of Raging Spirit, with the same activation cost.

Bonesplitter Sliver
This is a sliver who carry a Bonesplitter. A good aggressive bonus to help your sliver putting pressure on your opponent.

Coal Stoker
Coal Golem

Coal Stoker
A reference to Coal Golem from the Dark.

Empty the Warrens
A really powerful card that refers to Goblin Warrens from Fallen Empires. It can create a huge amount of goblins.

Firemaw Kavu
Althought it's a more expensive Flametongue Kavu, this Kavu is quite versatile. You can kill two creatures with him. Or first, deals two damages to himself to deals right away with a 4-thoughness creature.

Flamecore Elemental
It seems to be a new version of Fire Elemental with the 5/4 power and thoughness.

Flowstone Channeler
A spellshaper that can cast Flowstone Strike to boost your creature and get rid of little creatures of your opponents.
Ali from CairoFortune Thief
Fortune Thief
A morph version of Ali from Cairo from The Arabian Nights.

Ghitu Firebreathing
A flash version of Firebreathing that can help you win games if you have lot of red mana.

Goblin Skycutter
Sacrifice it to play Vertigo from Ice Age.

Greater Gargadon
We had a Lesser Gargadon but we lack of a Greater Gargadon ! This card can help you sacrifice permanents that are about to get destroyed. A really good card.

Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician
Ib was in many flavor text of goblin card from Ice Age. He deserves his own card.

Ironclaw Buzzardiers
This is a flying orc with the same drawback of Ironclaw Orc.
Magic misses orc, but they have to make a choice between Orcish and Goblins. In Magic, they're too similar.

Jaya Ballard, Task Mage

Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
Like Ib, Jaya was in many flavor text. Her abilities reflect cards where she was in flavor text :
- Pyroblast
- Incinerate (Ice Age version)
- Inferno (5th edition version)


A really beautiful card, you can learn more from an article of Matt Cavotta, artist who illustrated this card.

Lightning Axe
A card that reminds us of Lava Axe. But this time, you can only target a creature.

Cursed ScrollMagus of the Scroll

Magus of the Scroll
This is Magus of the Cursed Scroll.

Norin the Wary

Norin the Wary
A red legend that has his name appear in number of flavor text. He's a real coward, and can be used only to trigger enter the battlefield effect.

Jade StatueGoblin Shrine

Orcish Cannonade
One activation of Orcish Catapult. At least it's a cantrip.

Rift Bolt
A Lightning Bolt with suspend. You lose the bluff, but 3 it's a high number of damages.

Sedge Sliver
A Sedge Troll Sliver. Since you'll be playing this card in a multicolor deck, it won't be difficult to find a swamp and boost all your slivers. Regeneration is also always a good bonus.

Subterranean Shambler
It can be a reference to Subterranean Spirit.

Thick-Skinned Goblin

Thick-Skinned Goblin
Kookus was a Djinn in Vision that can control himself. You need to control a goblin called Keeper of Kookus where his flavor text refers to an announcement for a Thick-Skinned Goblin. We waited a long time before finding one !

KookusKeeper of Kookus

Wheel of FortuneWheel of Fate

Wheel of Fate
A suspend Wheel of Fortune. The card is bad, not reliable and don't worth the risk.



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