Sunday, June 17, 2012

A blink to the past: Time spiral Black cards

It's time to look at the black cards of Time Spiral.
In two posts, I already dealt with the White card and the Blue Cards of Time Spiral.

Black features madness and shadow keywords.

It's a sorcery version of the ability of Royal Assassin. Even the card name matches. This card is well designed, not too powerful and will be reprinted many times in a lot of core sets, with a flavor text being a quotation of a Royal Assassin.

Basal Sliver
A sliver version of Blood Vassal

Cyclopean Giant
This card in its name and ability refers to an old artifact in Alpha called Cyclopean Tomb.

Demonic Collusion
A buyback version of Demonic Tutor.

Dread Return
In the art, the creature is Mindslicer, you can look at this article from Wizards of the Coast.

Drudge Reavers
A flashable Drudge Skeletons !

Evil Eye of Urborg
A creature which is like a mirror version of Evil Eye of Orms-by-Gore, even power and thoughness are reverse.

Faceless Devourer
A Faceless Butcher for shadow creature.

Fallen Ideal
This aura turns one of your creature into a Fallen Angel. Moreover, the art is painted by Anson Maddoks, illstrator of the angel !

A flashable Weakness !

Liege of the Pit
A new version of Lord of the Pit with morph. The fact that is a liege can refer to Gaea's Liege.

Lim-Dûl the Necromancer
Lim-Dûl appears in Ice Age. It was the occasion to make a card for him.

Living End
A version of Living Death with suspend.

Magus of the Mirror
The magus of Mirror Universe.

A suspend effect of the Mindstab Thrull. The art is also done by Mark Tedin, artist of one version of Mindstab Thrull, since card in Fallen Empires had multiple arts.

Nether Traitor
A shadow version of Nether Shadow.

Nightshade Assassin
You can cast Scent of Nightshade when you play this card.

Pit Keeper
You can activate the ability of Oversold Cemetary when you play this card. This creature let you make a game decision : what's the best thing to do ? Play this early and attack or wait for card advantage ?

Plague Sliver
The Juzam Djinn Sliver. Be careful, it's a hoser for sliver !

A bigger Carnophage, but not as good as the old one.

Sengir Nosferatu
Sengir Vampire is a famous card from Alpha. This card can transform into a bat. If it was in Innistrad, it would be a double card. See how much Magic has developed since Time Spiral...

Skittering Monstrosity
This is a new version of creature like Skittering Horror and Skittering Skirge.

Skulking Knight
A flanking knight version of Skulking Ghost and Skulking Fugitive.

It's a small Pox.

Urborg Syphon-Mage
A spellshaper who can cast Syphon Soul.

Vampiric Sliver
A sliver with vampiric ability of Sengir Vampire.

Viscid Lemures
during Ice age, an artist was commissionned to draw Hyalopterous Lemure. He didn't know what was a Lemure, so he search and thought it had to draw a little animal. It was completely wrong, a Lemure was a spectre or spirits of the dead. The new card is what he should have drawn.
The flavor text also make fun about this story.



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