Sunday, June 24, 2012

Resources: Magic black based tutors

In this post, I will list tutors with black color in it. I will add a comment about all of them too.
This list will help to reference cards for the Commander format.

Black tutors help player to have redundancy in their deck since Commander is a singleton format.
Black tutors, on the contrary to other colors, in general, allow you to find a card regarless of its type.
In this case, you don't reveal the card to other player.
And then, the searched card either go to your hand or to the top of your library.

We have also cards that put creature directly into the graveyard. Keep an eye on them if you play a reanimator deck.

Another category of tutors is the landcycling card that allow you to search for sawmp or any land on your library. Consider them carefully since black don't have lot of way to serach for land.

And finally, Transmute from Ravnica is a capacity that allow the player to search card for the library if you take a card with the same mana cost as the transmuted card. It brought us many new tutor cards.

I will also list cards that are multicolor. They do have the spirit of black tutors !

In another article, I will add a comment about each card.


Demonic Consultation
Imperial Seal
Spoils of the Vault
Vampiric Tutor

Demonic Tutor
Diabolic Intent
Divining Witch
Infernal Tutor
Tainted Pact
Shred Memory

Buried Alive
Cruel Tutor
Dimir Machinations
Grim Tutor
Maralen of the Mornsong
Rhystic Tutor

Diabolic Tutor
Dimir House Guard
Insidious Dreams
Night Dealings

Corpse Connoisseur
Demonic Collusion
Diabolic Revelation
Increasing Ambition
Liliana Vess

Beseech the Queen
Netherborn Phalanx
Twisted Abomination

Absorb Vis
Rune-Scarred Demon

Bringer of the Black Dawn

Lim Dûl's Vault

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