Friday, June 29, 2012

Random card #1: Roc Egg

Roc Egg

Roc egg appears for the first time in Magic 2011 and was reedited in Magic 2012. It's like a new version of Rukh Egg from Arabian Night, in white and one mana cheaper. It has the same state as the old card, with the defender ability that appears with Kamigawa. Aniway, since it's a 0/3 creature, it's not really interesting to attack with it. You will keep him to build time, before he dies.

If he dies, you put a 3/3 flying token into the battelfield. A 3/3 is not as good as the 4/4 Rukh, but it's quite good in limited.
Don't waste your own removal on him. Keep him on the battlefield, it often deters opponents to kill it, depending on the state of the game.

One more thing, you put the token, right away after he dies. Rukh Egg put it only at the end step. What does it change ? If you kill him during an opponent attack phase, you can block one attacking creature. Surprise !



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