Saturday, July 14, 2012

A blink to the past: Time spiral Green cards

Green in time spiral have a special feature as new Thallid creatures. Like in Fallen Empires, you can slowly build an army of saproling. Otherwise, green is quite poor. It doesn't have other specific mechanic.

Ashcoat Bear

Ashcoat Bear
It's a bear that have flash. Always a nice bonus for a classic card of Magic.

Aspect of Mongoose
This aura transforms one of your creature into a Nimble Mangoose. A good aura to remind us of a really good beater (if you have threshold of course !).

FungusaurFungus Sliver

Fungus Sliver
A sliver that turns all sliver into Fungusaur, a classic from the past who use to shine with Prodigal Sorcerer.

Gemhide Sliver
Although this is a loose reference (no reference in art, flavor, name), we can say that it's a Birds of Paradise Sliver !

Nafs AspSabertooth CobraGlass Asp

Glass Asp
A new Nafs Asp. This kind of creature with "delay damages" has been also designed with Sabertooth Cobra in Mirage. It can be quite annoying for your opponent.

Lay of the LandGreenseeker

This spellshaper allows you to play Lay of the Land. A good way to trigger madness card or recycle useless cards.


A suspend version of Eureka. Really strong with cascade spell since it has a manacost of 0. You can cascade with any card.

Candelabra of TawnosMagus of the Candelabra

Magus of the Candelabra
A Candelabra of Tawnos on a creature.


A alternate version of Detonate. Instead of dealing damage, it gives you life back.Also, you can target enchantment.

PendelhavenPendelhaven Elder

Pendelhaven Elder
Pendelhaven on a creature. It will boost your token deck, but don't boost them with other card, otherwise you won't be able to activate his ability.

Penumbra Spider

Penumbra Spider
A spider with the Penumbra mechanic of Apocalypse. Really helpful against flyer on limited format and hard to deal with.

Phantom Wurm

Phantom Wurm
A Wurm with the Phantom mechanic of judgment. A hard to deal creature. Notice that it has the same stat as Craw Wurm.

Quirion RangerScryb Ranger

Scryb Ranger
A versatile creature with the same untap ability of Quirion Ranger.

Spectral BearsForce of NatureSpectral Force

Spectral Force
Spectral Bear + Force of Nature. Untap it with Scryb Ranger !

Spike Tiller
A new Spike. They were one in Tempest and several in Fortress.

Fault LineSquall Line

Squall Line
It's the "Hurricane" version of Fault Line.

Deranged HermitThelonite Hermit

Thelonite Hermit
A new Deranged Hermit with morph. This time, it makes saproling token. Not as good as the old card but a good addition for your token deck.

Unyaro Bee StingKiller BeesUnyaro Bees

Unyaro Bees
Unyarou Bee Sting + Killer Bees.

Verdant EmbraceVerdant Force

Verdant Embrace
This aura turns one of your creature into a Verdant Force. Like the creature, the ability triggers during each upkeep, so it's really good in multiplayer games. It also references the 'Embrace' aura cycle from Urza's Saga.

Wormwood TreefolkWormwood Dryad

Wormwood Dryad
This is a cheaper and more aggressive version of Wormwood Treefolk from the Dark.


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Random card #2: Squadron Hawk

Squadron Hawk

FNM card of Squadron Hawk

This card appears in Magic 2011. In the past, we had many creatures with the same come into play ability in Mercadia Masques and Nemesis (Creature that allow you to search for card with the same name): Skyshroud Sentinel, Howling Wolf and Nesting Wurm. None was successful since they were overcosted and without evasion.

But on the contrary, this one was a success. This cousin of Welkin Hawk has many qualities.

First, it's really cheap, it just cost 2. Compare him to Skyshroud Sentinel or Howling Wolf.
Second he has flying. So he can be equipped with a sword and attack without being block.

It gives you card avantage and help you build time if you chumpblock with all your fliers.

It was edited as a FNM card but I doubt it will be reprinted. Card like this will be reevaluated in the future. We can't expect seeing card with the same stat and cost again.


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Resources: Magic black based tutors (comments)

This is the comment about this resources: magic black based tutors

You can also find comments about black tutors in this topic of MtgSalvation :


Demonic Consultation

Demonic Consultation
It seems to be crazy to play this tutor in a singleton deck, but it's the fastest way to get the card you want, since it's at instant speed and go directly to your hand.


It's a tutor for creature, but it put it directly into the graveyard. And it's an instant, so you can have a full turn to reanimate from your graveyard.

Imperial Seal

Imperial Seal
Get it if you have a lot of money, a sorcery version of Vampiric Tutor. harder to find than the later since it was only in Portal 3 Kingdom.

Spoils of the Vault

Spoils of the Vault
The fastest way to lose in Commander ? It seems to be too dangerous to play this in the format.

Vampiric Tutor

Vampiric Tutor
The black tutor from Visions. You don't replace your card since it goes to the top of your library, but it's at instant speed.


Demonic Tutor

Demonic Tutor
The first tutor of Magic, the best one. It's too good since it was undercosted. The fixed version, Diabolic Tutor, costs 2 more. A real staple card for black deck.

Diabolic Intent

Diabolic Intent
The drawback is huge and it's a sorcery, you can't play it if a player play a removal on one of your creature. Best to play him in a token deck.

Divining Witch

Divining Witch
Spellshaper version of Demonic Consultation. It's way worse than Demonic Consultation : more fragile, slower and more expensive.

Infernal Tutor

Infernal Tutor
Useful only if you have no card in Commander. So not really good in it although you can used it with Lion's Eye Diamond.

Tainted Pact

Tainted Pact
Of course, in a singleton format, this card is interesting. But don't forget that you will have to add a great number of non basic land and snow-covered land.
Anyway, if you like to gamble, play it, but there are many more reliable options.

Shred Memory

Shred Memory

Always good to have graveyard hate !


Buried Alive

Buried Alive
Put 3 creatures in your graveyard is great. Put 3 different incarnations, or build you a Karador toolbox.

Cruel Tutor

Cruel Tutor
An expensive card. Sorcery Vampiric Tutor that cost 2 more.

Dimir Machinations

Dimir Machinations
A tutor with transmute that can help you in your mill strategy too.


A tutor really special, you will have to build a deck around it. You have multiple possibility to make good piles to win a game.

Grim Tutor

Grim Tutor
Another really expensive tutor (in money). Don't invest on it unless you have money to waste.

Maralen of the Mornsong

Maralen of the Mornsong
A Commander which allow you to build around her.

Rhystic Tutor

Rhystic Tutor
A bad tutor. More expensive than a zero default tutor, and can be played if opponents have mana.


Diabolic Tutor

Diabolic Tutor
The "fixed" version of demonic tutor. If you can afford the old one, take this since it had been reedited many times.

Dimir House Guard

Dimir House Guard
A transmute card that can be part of a sacrifice engine for free ! Don't forget that you can sacrifice as many creatures as you want. Each Regeneration activations stack as 'regeneration shield'. Regeneration is always nice to save time.
Also very useful to tutor for Damnation with it.


The only card with transfigure. Help you find 4 CC creature but can be played only when you can play a sorcery.

Insidious Dreams

Insidious Dreams
Mass card search that is an instant. Infortunately, cards go on top of your library.

Night Dealings

Night Dealings
A Enchantment that help you to find card. Play him with shadow creature. Quite expensive to activate the capacity, but counters can be put put in numbers in an aggressive deck.



The condition is weird, but you'll manage to kill almost every crature. Another transmute cards that is good to add in your deck.

Corpse Connoisseur

Corpse Connoisseur
You can get in back from your graveyard and it's good to use to put an Incarnation (Anger for example) in your graveyard.

Demonic Collusion

Demonic Collusion
Good during the end game where you'll have many cards that will be kept in hand.

Diabolic Revelation (Pre-Order: Ships Jul 13)

Diabolic Revelation
A new card in M13. You'll need a lot of mana to spend in this card if you want it to be good.

Increasing Ambition

Increasing Ambition
Not to omuch black mana requirement. Will be extremely good if you paid the flashback cost.

Liliana Vess

Liliana Vess
The first black planeswalker. Really good synergy between the first and the last ability. She can do vampiric tutor for 2 loyalty point, this is extremly good.


Beseech the Queen

Beseech the Queen
Can be easily played in a deck where you ramp into a big number of swamp. Not something too difficult in a black deck.

Netherborn Phalanx

Netherborn Phalanx 
Really good against token teck and tutors for a Titan. 

Twisted Abomination

Twisted Abomination 

In the early games, you build your mana base, on the end game, you have a serious beater.


Absorb Vis

Absorb Vis 
Quite expensive, but can help you finish an opponent.

Rune-Scarred Demon

Rune-Scarred Demon
A big demon and one card to search in your library. A card that replace himself with the card of your choice is good.


Bringer of the Black Dawn

Bringer of the Black Dawn
Recurring tutor with a big creature but in Commander, due to the rule, you will only play it in a 5 color deck.



Lim Dûl's Vault

You can dig into your library and setup card orders. A good tutor.

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